Tara MurrayExecutive Assistant

    Tara is excited and grateful to be a part of the team at Cioffi Slezak Wildgrube P.C. as the legal assistant for partner Michelle Wildgrube. Tara has earned her Bachelors of Science in Social Work at the College of Saint Rose and a Master’s of Social Work from the advanced standing program at The University of Albany.

    Prior to her start at the firm, Tara worked as a case worker for the Department of Social Services CPS long term unit and as a substitute social worker for the Schenectady School District. She has also worked in the restaurant industry for more than ten years. Her eclectic background allows for her to think on her feet and to think outside the box.

    Tara resides in Scotia with her boyfriend. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going to see live music and theater, baking, Jeopardy, and a strong caffeinated iced libation.

    Contact Tara

    Headshot of Sally BrattenHeadshot of Diana Vance