Kindness Notes
Here at CSW, we love to recognize each member of our team for going above and beyond every day. If you’ve read our News, you know all about one of our favorite ways to give back to our community through our Denim Days for Charity. Just as it’s important to us to give back to our community, we feel it’s imperative to recognize our team’s daily efforts.
Throughout each month, we write kindness notes thanking someone in the office for going the extra mile. At each monthly staff meeting, we pick one lucky note from a jar. Both the team member written on the note and the author of the note get a gift card to Dunkin Donuts. Not only does it pay to go above and beyond, it also pays to thank someone! We spend time reading each kindness note aloud to make sure everyone knows just how much we value their effort. Although we know our coworkers would go the extra mile without recognition, we believe that showing each other how much we appreciate them is important- and a sweet treat doesn’t hurt!